Life Summarized:

My photo
Hey! My name is Justin and I am married to my ridiculously awesome wife Jules. We are youth pastors at Christ Church of Orlando. Life, up 'til now is golden. Not only am I the student pastor of identity student ministries but I am also the worship leader at our church, the graphics and web designer and I run a photography business called J.Mikl Photography ( This isn't the only site I maintain. I have a youth site, a college site, a church site, and a photography business to manage. But that's enough of that. I love my life, my job, and my youth. I must say that I have one of the most time consuming jobs but I also have the best job in the whole world. We can't wait to see what God has in store for us and our quickly growing family. Someone once told me, "You gotta think BIG, dream BIG, and plan HUGE!"...they are words I now live by...

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Well it has been a long time since my last post and much has happened; good and bad. To catch you up to speed, here is what has been going on in my life. Lots of my family made their way to Orlando to participate in the dedication of our amazing Judah Avery Johnson. It was a bittersweet moment for my whole family. We were so proud of our baby boy and we were so ecstatic that our family made the trip to join us in his dedication. But after the Sunday service we all went out to eat at Mimi's Cafe and as we were leaving, my Nana Bussell (grandmother) suffered a really severe stroke. In a previous post I wrote about the moments Judah met all of his great grandparents. Well, my Nana Bussell was not in that post because he had not yet met his Great-Nana Bussell. Judah's dedication was only the second time she got to see him. She met him just a couple days before that at our friends wedding shower. My Nana Bussell has been such an inspiration to me in all that she has done. She has been such a shining example of what a marriage relationship looks like and what it should be. She and my grand-daddy were married for so many years until he past and they both raised some of the most amazing girls that I know; including my Momma. We are just asking that everyone continues to keep her in your prayers as she goes down a long road of recovery. We know that God is more than able to heal her body and restore her health.

Well, our son's dedication hasn't been the only celebration we have enjoyed over the past couple of weeks. I also had the amazing privilege of marrying a childhood friend (Robert Noland) in Sarasota, FL this past weekend. It was the second wedding I have ever performed; the first being my other childhood friend, Eric Long. Funny enough, they have both been outside weddings. The first, being on the beach and the second, being under a massive oak tree on a golf course. It was such a beautiful wedding and it was so good to see so many friends and family that I haven't seen in years. Not that they wanted to see me....Judah took the spotlight in all of the conversations. Now that you have been caught up to speed and my life has slowed down a bit maybe I can get back to posting some more blogs. Until then, please help me pray for my Nana, Shirley Bussell's recovery.

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