Life Summarized:

My photo
Hey! My name is Justin and I am married to my ridiculously awesome wife Jules. We are youth pastors at Christ Church of Orlando. Life, up 'til now is golden. Not only am I the student pastor of identity student ministries but I am also the worship leader at our church, the graphics and web designer and I run a photography business called J.Mikl Photography ( This isn't the only site I maintain. I have a youth site, a college site, a church site, and a photography business to manage. But that's enough of that. I love my life, my job, and my youth. I must say that I have one of the most time consuming jobs but I also have the best job in the whole world. We can't wait to see what God has in store for us and our quickly growing family. Someone once told me, "You gotta think BIG, dream BIG, and plan HUGE!"...they are words I now live by...

The "NEXT" iPhone

It's been quite a while since my last post. I've kind of fallen of the blogger wheel but I couldn't help to post about the latest breaking news concerning the "NEXT" generation of the iPhone. Here is a re-post of another fellow blogger and lover of all things technology.

You are looking at Apple's "NEXT" iPhone. It was found lost in a bar in Redwood City, camouflaged to look like an iPhone 3GS. We got it. We disassembled it. It's the real thing, and here are some of the details. For more in depth investigation of the "NEXT" iPhone visit

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While Apple may tinker with the final packaging and design of the final phone, it's clear that the features in this lost-and-found next-generation iPhone are drastically new and drastically different from what came before. Here's the detailed list of our findings:

What's new

• Front-facing video chat camera
• Improved regular back-camera (the lens is quite noticeably larger than the iPhone 3GS)
• Camera flash
• Micro-SIM instead of standard SIM (like the iPad)
• Improved display. It's unclear if it's the 960x640 display thrown around before—it certainly looks like it, with the "Connect to iTunes" screen displaying much higher resolution than on a 3GS.
• What looks to be a secondary mic for noise cancellation, at the top, next to the headphone jack
• Split buttons for volume
• Power, mute, and volume buttons are all metallic

What's changed

• The back is entirely flat, made of either glass (more likely) or ceramic or shiny plastic in order for the cell signal to poke through. Tapping on the back makes a more hollow and higher pitched sound compared to tapping on the glass on the front/screen, but that could just be the orientation of components inside making for a different sound

• An aluminum border going completely around the outside
• Slightly smaller screen than the 3GS (but seemingly higher resolution)

• Everything is more squared off
• 3 grams heavier

• 16% Larger battery
• Internals components are shrunken, miniaturized and reduced to make room for the larger battery

Click Images To Enlarge

As you can see, there are some considerable differences between this "NEW" iPhone and it's previous model; both physically and internally.

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