Life Summarized:

My photo
Hey! My name is Justin and I am married to my ridiculously awesome wife Jules. We are youth pastors at Christ Church of Orlando. Life, up 'til now is golden. Not only am I the student pastor of identity student ministries but I am also the worship leader at our church, the graphics and web designer and I run a photography business called J.Mikl Photography ( This isn't the only site I maintain. I have a youth site, a college site, a church site, and a photography business to manage. But that's enough of that. I love my life, my job, and my youth. I must say that I have one of the most time consuming jobs but I also have the best job in the whole world. We can't wait to see what God has in store for us and our quickly growing family. Someone once told me, "You gotta think BIG, dream BIG, and plan HUGE!"...they are words I now live by...

Judah's 2nd Sonogram

Well, today we went to the Doctor for our 2nd sonogram. Everything seems to running perfectly. He is right on target for all of his measurements and the heart beat is steady and strong. We cannot wait to see him and hold. As we sat and watched Judah move around as we probed his momma's belly the sonogram wand, we couldn't help to think that God's creation of life is so spectacular. How can someone witness the formation of a human life and see it's complexity and perfect and think that there is no GOD? GOD truly is amazing and I thank Him everyday for blessing me with all that is in my life. My wife, my baby, my home, my job, my health, my home, my family, and list goes on and on. THANK YOU GOD for just being GOD!

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