Life Summarized:

My photo
Hey! My name is Justin and I am married to my ridiculously awesome wife Jules. We are youth pastors at Christ Church of Orlando. Life, up 'til now is golden. Not only am I the student pastor of identity student ministries but I am also the worship leader at our church, the graphics and web designer and I run a photography business called J.Mikl Photography ( This isn't the only site I maintain. I have a youth site, a college site, a church site, and a photography business to manage. But that's enough of that. I love my life, my job, and my youth. I must say that I have one of the most time consuming jobs but I also have the best job in the whole world. We can't wait to see what God has in store for us and our quickly growing family. Someone once told me, "You gotta think BIG, dream BIG, and plan HUGE!"...they are words I now live by...

SHHHH... ACTion!

I was reading in my devotions this morning and as I was reading in Luke I had one of those "AAHA Moments." You know what I mean? It's when you've read something so many times before but God decides to bring His word to you in a-whole-nother light. I just began to read about the ministry of Jesus and how He went from town to down preaching the news and doing the works and miracles of God. All of a sudden, as I was reading, I began to just realized that Jesus, in the beginning, didn't want people to tell others about Him. He didn't even want the demons he cast out of people to shout, "You're the Son of God!" I kept asking myself, "Why wouldn't He want people to know who He was?" That's when the "AAHA Moment" came. Jesus wanted to show God and not just proclaim that He was God.

I began to think about us as Christians and how we would love to tell everyone that we are Christians at times, but on the flip side, our works are not seen. I think if we are going to be Christians (CHRIST-like) then we should probably take a lesson from Jesus and let our works tell of His Grace and Mercy and Love before our mouths proclaim "OUR" position in all of this. What a powerful tool of evangelism. Jesus knew this. If we just allow our works to do the miraculous then eventually the doors of the people's heart will be unlocked to share the Christianity. Jesus knew the importance of reaching people's "world" before He showed them His own.

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